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by Decade

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Regina Stevens has just passed her Medical Licensing exam. Her boyfriend Ryan has just proposed. The hard work Regina has put in throughout her life seemed like it was beginning to really pay off. Tha…Read More
Deep in the Amazon jungle a research team lead by a respected Professor strive to protect vulnerable and endangered species, but when their guides abandon them they soon realize they are in the huntin…Read More
A found footage horror/thriller about strange happenings in an apartment block. Sounds familiar right? It is, but I assure you, this is not just another horror movie. We put our own spin on it as the …Read More
Two filmmakers attempt to make the perfect sequel to "To Jennifer," however a dark secret threatens the lives of everyone involved. Jennifer, a beautiful actress, now has two options: become the heroi…Read More
Joey suspects his girlfriend of two years, Jennifer, is cheating on him. He is so convinced that he enlists the help of his cousin Steven to create a Video Diary of his attempt to catch her in the act…Read More
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