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by Decade

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A British expedition formed by the lead researcher Jonathan Marchant, his assistant, a doctor and a TV crew, travels to Congo to seek evidence of a dinosaur. A local guide and the helicopter pilot joi…Read More
When a high school graduate’s girlfriend goes missing after a series of celebratory parties, Sean and his best friend instantly start searching for Wendy and are joined by her closest girlfriend to he…Read More
The Internet sensation, "Master Pranksters" decide to take it to the extreme for their season finale. When the leader of the group, Ethan, announces that he is getting married and leaving the gang and…Read More
A group of paranormal investigators enter the abandoned home of pedophile and serial killer John Gacy, hoping to find evidence of paranormal activity. Upon entering the house they set-up cameras throu…Read More
A group of college students go on a hike to film a new workout segment for Youtube celebrity, Brett Fleischmann. But when the kids go off the beaten path, they are kidnapped by an odd family that live…Read More
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