The Vampire Show is the world's first reality show about vampires!! The show follows 6 vampires 24/7 at home, work and wherever they go.…Read More
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Americans are captured on surveillance cameras at least 170 times a day mostly without their knowledge. This produces millions of hours of footage revealing the nature of those hidden secrets.…Read More
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A young woman studying the habits of webcam chat users from the apparent safety of her apartment witnesses a brutal murder online and is quickly immersed in a nightmare in which she and her loved ones…Read More
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Five friends take a vacation to the paradise island of Formentera, where they explore a cave and soon find themselves lost. If they want to survive, they must suffer the most extreme and inhuman exper…Read More
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The Gerber's Syndrome is an contagious viral disease that was discovered in Germany in 2008 and spread all over the world. It is extremely contagious, fast spreading, and deadly. This syndrome is very…Read More
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