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by Decade

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A "New Media" news coverage team (W.H.I.S.T.L.E.) is stranded near a beleaguered brothel in the middle of nowhere; recovered footage will reveal what happens when they encounter a group of women with …Read More
A group of filmmakers sets out to make the first 3D found footage horror movie, but find themselves IN the first 3D found footage horror movie when the evil entity from their film escapes into their b…Read More
Six friends trek to an undisclosed mountain in Western ghats. Only one person returns alive and the video later recovered in forest reveals the horror that transpired.…Read More
The Vampire Show is the world's first reality show about vampires!! The show follows 6 vampires 24/7 at home, work and wherever they go.…Read More
Americans are captured on surveillance cameras at least 170 times a day mostly without their knowledge. This produces millions of hours of footage revealing the nature of those hidden secrets.…Read More
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